For Thanksgiving this year, we celebrated my Great Grandma Millie's 90th birthday! We drove from Colorado out to California's Palm Desert where GG and my Great Aunt Laine live. It was way fun and we all had a blast playing in the palm trees, eating tons of food, and enjoying being with family. During the time we were there, it was a balmy 80 degrees and we all enjoyed that soooo much!
From left to right here is my Grandma Randi Cooley, her mom Millie Ramer, and her sister Laine Ramer

Here's a little of the fun my parents had in the palm tree back yard of my G-Aunt Laine:

It was such a perfect setting for pictures so we all went crazy and took tons!

GG is so fun...we were at her house on Thanksgiving morning just chatting about all sorts of crazy things. We discussed Rhianna and how my amazingly hip GG knows her songs and knows all about her. A football game came on and she affectionately called them: "my boys". My grandma came out to do her makeup for the day and insisted we all try her purple mascara on. We all put some on and then ran outside to see it in the sun!

It might take too long to label this one, but we couldn't resist taking a group photo since practically everyone was there!!