Tuesday, November 30, 2010

With Love Chartreuse Christmas 5x7 folded card
Get custom photo Christmas cards online at Shutterfly.com.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

For Thanksgiving this year, we celebrated my Great Grandma Millie's 90th birthday! We drove from Colorado out to California's Palm Desert where GG and my Great Aunt Laine live. It was way fun and we all had a blast playing in the palm trees, eating tons of food, and enjoying being with family. During the time we were there, it was a balmy 80 degrees and we all enjoyed that soooo much!

From left to right here is my Grandma Randi Cooley, her mom Millie Ramer, and her sister Laine Ramer

Here's a little of the fun my parents had in the palm tree back yard of my G-Aunt Laine:
It was such a perfect setting for pictures so we all went crazy and took tons!
GG is so fun...we were at her house on Thanksgiving morning just chatting about all sorts of crazy things. We discussed Rhianna and how my amazingly hip GG knows her songs and knows all about her. A football game came on and she affectionately called them: "my boys". My grandma came out to do her makeup for the day and insisted we all try her purple mascara on. We all put some on and then ran outside to see it in the sun!
It might take too long to label this one, but we couldn't resist taking a group photo since practically everyone was there!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

664 Murifield

Yay!! Here's the latest on our house. They're gonna start doing the inside soon!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Seattle Trip

Over fall break, Nate and I visited his Uncle Dave and family. We had a great time with all of them. On the first night, we went out with Dave and his wife Maran to see the play "39 Steps" by Alfred Hitchcock. It was hilarious. The next day was Amelia's 7th birthday and party with family.

We also went to the Space Needle and had an amazing lunch at the Sky City restaurant. They have you sit on a rotating wheel that makes a full spin in 45 minutes so you can see the whole city. That was the only clear day while we were there and we could see all of the beauty that city has to offer!

The next night, we walked down on the pier and saw this really cool fountain and some statues at the statue park. Overall, it was amazing.


Roxy is now 6 months old, so she is having girl time. Oh, joy. I got her the closest thing to chocolate, a brown raw hide for her to chew on. We got these cute plaid and polka dot diapers for her but they wouldn't stay on cause she has such a tiny waist. She has to spend the whole week outside. Poor thing!

664 Murifield

Here's the latest on our house!! Yeah! Next week we will be doing the electrical walk through. :)

Friday, October 2, 2009


Candice and I saw Joshua Bell live at the Mostly Mozart Festival at the Lincoln Center. We saw this performance at the Avery Hall and I was kinda sad cause the Lincoln Center was under construction so we didn't get to see the fountain.

So, we had slept all afternoon cause we were so worn out and we didn't get any time for dinner. During the intermission, we ran out, found cash, and ran back to get a sandwich right as intermission was closing. Candice grabbed some napkins, wrapped up the sandwich and put it in her purse so we could go in and sit down. Before the lights went out I started shoving the rest of the sandwich in. I had the last bite in my hand when an usher came up and impatiently told me that there was to be no food in the auditorium. I shoved the bite in and shrugged as if to say: "there's no more food anymore." I'm afraid I'm just a rebellious one.

tee...hee...we were looking up her skirt :)

good ol' Times Square...this was about midnight

The Lion King on broadway rocks! The wooden mask on the wall is about ten feet tall and really cool looking in person!